Spellstone Wiki
Armor ArmorBarrier BarrierBerserk BerserkBolt BoltCorrosive CorrosiveDualstrike DualstrikeEmpower EmpowerEnhance EnhanceFervor FervorFreeze FreezeFrostbreath FrostbreathHeal HealHex HexInvisibility InvisibilityLegion LegionNullify NullifyPierce PiercePoison PoisonScorch ScorchSiphon SiphonValor ValorVengeance VengeanceWeaken Weaken
Vengeance large

"When damaged by an attack, deal damage to attacker."


Vengeance does damage to creatures that do attack damage to its creature.

  • Vengeance is a Defensive skill, which means it still works even if the creature it is on is not active yet.
  • Barrier reduces damage done by Vengeance.
  • Vengeance does not act in response to damage dealt by skills, such as Bolt, Poison, Scorch or Vengeance.
  • If the creature with Vengeance takes no damage, due to having enough of its own Armor or Barrier, Vengeance will not act.